Fauna Sinica Invertebrate(Vol.44)Crustacea Decapoda Palaemonoidea |
Author(s): Li Xinzheng Liu Ruiyu Liang Xiangqiu Chen Guoxiao |
Publisher: Science Press Published Date: 2007 ISBN: 978-7-03-018534-1 Pages: 381 Language: English Type: Book Cover: Hard Cover |
Our Price: $73.70
Avail: In-Stock |

The present volume is the first one of Caridean Decapoda in series of Fauna Sinica, which includes two part. The first part is general introduction to the group, introduces the systematic position of Caridea and Palaemonoidea, the brief research history of Caridea, morphology, phylogeny, classification, zoogeography, economic significance descriptions of Chinese palaemonoid species, in which,155species, belonging to 3 families and 37 genera of Palaemonoidea, are described, including one genus and two species of Anchistioidae, three genera and three species of Gnathophylidae, nine genera and sixty species of Palaemoninae, and twenty-four genera and ninety species of Pontoniinae, Palaemonidae. The total number of Chinese palaemonoid (shrimp) species are about one fifth of all known species in the world. In the second part of this volume, keys to genera of families or subfamilies, to species of genera are given. The descriptions to species includes its synonymy, diagnosis, distribution in the world and locality found in Chinese waters, illustration, also, for some species, associated host, economic value, remarks of systematic position.