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Best Practices for Land Degradation Control on Dryland Areas of China: PRC-GEF Partnership on Land D
Author(s): Jiang Zhenhui
Publisher: China Forestry Press
Published Date: 2008
ISBN: 978-7-5038-5340-1
Pages: 216
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $66.00
Avail: In-Stock


The compilation of intervention models were written by over 30 experts and scholars in the fields of desertification combating, soil and water conservation, water resources, ecology etc. The models involve more than 10 subject areas, covering almost all important technical aspects of land degradation control in China, some of the models have long history of application in China and some are the combinations of traditional and modern technologies. The practices described in the proceeding are the achievements of Chinese farmers who have struggled against land degradation for long time, and also the outcomes of many experts, scholars and local practitioners through their hard working and long time explorations.

Main Contents

1. Fixation of Shifting Sands
2. Sand Prevention and Control Along the Railways and Highways
3. Improvement of Degraded Grassland
4. Water and Soil Conservation Measures
5. Afforestation in Arid and Semi-arid Areas
6. Agroforestry Management
7. Farming Practices and Soil Improvement
8. Water Saving and Catchment
9. Sand Industry
10. Utilization of Renewable Energy

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