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The Amphibia and Reptilia Fauna of Heilongjiang
Author(s): Zhao Wenge et al
Publisher: Science Press
Published Date: 2008
ISBN: 978-7-03-022457-6
Pages: 249
Language: Chinese with English Abstract and Preface
Type: Book
Cover: Soft Cover

Our Price: $110.00
Avail: In-Stock


The book introduces history of research, habitual environments, geographical features and divisions on amphibians and reptiles in detail. In addition, this book describes the morphology, ecosystems, geographical distribution as well as the economic importance and environmental protection of amphibians and reptiles. Methodologies for collection, preparation and documentation of specimens of amphibians and reptiles are also included.

The book records 12 species of amphibians which belong to 2 orders, 6 families and 10 genera, and 16 species of reptiles which belong to 3 orders, 4 families and 10 genera.

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