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Animal Genetic Resources
Author(s): Chang Hong
Publisher: Science Press
Published Date: 2009
ISBN: 978-7-03-023239-7
Pages: 501
Language: Chinese with English Abstract
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $57.60
Avail: In-Stock

Main Contents

Chapter 1 The State of Domestic Animal Genetic Resource in China
Chapter 2 Phylogeny of Bovinae in China
Chapter 3 Phylogeny of Caprinae in China
Chapter 4 Phylogeny of Swine in China
Chapter 5 Phylogeny of Poultry in China
Chapter 6 Phylogeny of Horse and Donkey in China
Chapter 7 Phylogeny on Deer in China
Chapter 8 Phylogeny of Camel, Dog, Rabbit and Cat in China
Chapter 9 Genetic Resources and Breeds inspection
Chapter 10 Genetic Evolution of Population
Chapter 11 Morphological Genetic Marks
Chapter 12 Cellular Genetic Marks
Chapter 13 Structural Loci for Genetic Marks
Chapter 14 Molecular Genetic Marks
Chapter 15 Sampling Methods on Genetic Resource Investigation
Chapter 16 Phylogenetic Classification
Chapter 17 Preservation of Animal Genetic Resources
Chapter 18 The Development of Animal Genetic Resources
Chapter 19 Database for Management of Livestock and Poultry Breeds Resource

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