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World Geologic Park - Songshan Mountain (Zhong Yue) (Zhongyue Songshan Shijie Dizhi Gongyuan)
Author(s): Ge Qunli
Publisher: Geological Publishing House
Published Date: 2007
ISBN: 978-7-116-05226-0
Pages: 117
Language: Chinese and English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $85.80
Avail: In-Stock


Songshan had experienced global tectonic movement during past 3.6 billion years, the wind and rain denudation and blue sea cleanse cast such a wonderful mountain, which is tall and straight of delicate beauty, and has jagged rocks of grotesque shapes with strange hills and peaks, where the flowing springs and waterfalls and narrow path in precipice as well as dangerous road on deep and serene steep cliff are real magnificent and marvelous. So many beautiful things that one simply can’t take them all in. Especially the typical geological structures exposed in the scenery regions of Mounts Taishi and Shaoshi and Luya waterfall, adding a word or two to clinch the point in the Picture Album, make readers feel that the Picture Album is worth viewing and admiring, and also a valuable book, Songshan is not only world-famous for Shaolin Gongfu (martial art), but the firm geological structure exactly reflects that the Gongfu comes from Shaolin and Shaolin hides the wide and elegant mystery of Songshan. The legends of Shaolin Gongfu are exactly the evidences of vigorous Songshan.

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