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Prevention and Control Technology of Gas Disaster in Coal Mine
Author(s): Yu Ning
Publisher: Science Press
Published Date: 2009
ISBN: 7-03-024461-1
Pages: 644
Language: Chinese and English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $174.80
Avail: In-Stock


The symposium has successively received more than120 academic papers from home and abroad, the authors of which contain professors, scholars, safety managers of enterprises, and young scientific workers. They firmly surround the theme of symposium, air their own views, say their say, and give many insightful ideas and views from the combination of theory and being. We take 57 papers into the symposium, which contain 11 research fields, such as, coal and gas outburst, gas extraction, gas and coal dust explosion, mine pressure and strata movement, and so on. The symposium reflects new development about prevention and control theory and technology of gas disaster in coal mine, agglomerates new achievements of and scientific research and productive practice, has important reference value for understanding and mastering laws and characters of gas disaster in coal mine, promoting control of gas disaster in coal mine.

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