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1st China International Conference Proceedings on Coal Mine Gas Control & Utilization(October 26-27,
Author(s): State Administration of Work Safety
Publisher: China Coal Industry Publishing House
Published Date: 2005
ISBN: 7-5020-2769-6
Pages: 307
Language: English
Type: Proceedings
Cover: Soft Cover

Our Price: $65.00
Avail: In-Stock


The Conference has successively received by now 45 these, covering the following 6 aspects which are: relative policy and legislation on coal mine gas control and utilization, coal mine gas and dust exploration prevention and techniques, coal and gas outburst prevention and techniques, coal mine gas drainage and monitoring techniques, coal mine safety management, education and training, and coal bed methane development and gas utilization. These theses comprehensively introduce to us relative policy and legislation, techniques and experiences, and development management system of the world main coal producing countries at present in the field of coal mine gas control and utilization, and they are no doubt of vital importance and great value for reference and utilization for areas of China’s current coal mine gas control and utilization, as well as further improving China’s coal mine safety.

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