Friday, March 28, 2025
International Symposium on Gold Geology and Exploration in Zhaoyuan, the Gold City of China Proceeding |
Author(s): Shandong Zhaojin Group & Placer Dome Inc |
Publisher: Geological Publishing House Published Date: 2002 ISBN: Pages: 540 Language: Chinese and English Type: Proceedings Cover: Hard Cover |
Our Price: $48.00
Avail: In-Stock |

1.The regional background of geology and geochemistry, plate tectonics, and the mutual action between terrain & crust-mantle for the formation of granite-greenstone type of gold deposits in North China Craton, and the significance for gold metallogeny, relevant theory of gold metallogeny as well;
2.Regularities of occurrences of ore bodies and concentration of mineralization in Zhaoyuan Gold Concentration Zone of Jiaodong Gold Metallogenic Zone, structural & magmatic conditions of ore-control, thus established the’ Jiaodong Exploration Model “with Chinese characteristics;
3.Mostly based on geophysical-geochemical prospecting model, the prognosis theory & prospecting practices by utilizing multiple synthetic information of Jiaodong Gold Deposits were established;
4.Approach to the new theories & methods of geology, geochemistry & isotope-geo-chemistry such as the structural kinetic ore-controlling model featured by interface ore-controlling, the fractionation mechanism of sulphur isotope & isotopic dating and the measurement of ore-forming depth of Jiaodong Gold deposits;
5.The new idea of mining & sustainability development, a series of theoretic discussion & the strategy & policy for introducing the foreign investment, establishing the Sino-Foreign equity and/or cooperative JV, a series of mining economics such as the relevant financing & listing to the markets, legal construction, assets evaluation and the methods for realization.