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Cryogenics and Refrigeration – Proceedings of ICCR’ 2008 (April 5-9, 2008)
Author(s): Wang Ruzhu and Zhang Peng
Publisher: Science Press
Published Date: 2008
ISBN: 978-7-03-021270-2
Pages: 999
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $179.30
Avail: In-Stock


The International Conference on Cryogenics and Refrigeration (ICCR) is a conference sponsored by the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR), ICCR’ 2008 is honored to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of IIR in 2008.

The International Conference on Cryogenics and Refrigeration had been successfully held in Zhejiang University (ZJU) in Hangzhou, China for three times in 1989, 1998 and 2003, respectively. The purpose of this conference is to stimulate the fruitful exchange of information and ideas in cryogenics, refrigeration and other related topics. The fourth International Conference on Cryogenics and Refrigeration (ICCR’2008) was planned to be held on April 5-9, 2008 at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, China.

The ICCR’ 2008 proceedings includes nearly 200 papers (with 6 plenary lectures and 9 keynote lectures). The ICCR’2008 will provide a unique opportunity to meet international experts and research teams working in Refrigeration, Cryogenics and HVAC.

Main Contents


1. Recent Advances on Cryogenic and Superconducting Technologies in China 2. Status and Recent Trends in Cryocooler Research 3. Application of Visualization Technique to Cryogenic Thermo-fluid Mechanics Research 4. Research on Natural Gas Liquefaction Technology for the Hammerfest LNG Plant 5. Development of the High-efficiency Heat Pump – Two-stage Compression System for the Cold Area Keynote 6. Development and Application of Low Frequency Tube Cryocoolers 7. Thermally Driven Thermoacoustic Refrigeration and Its Recent Progress 8. Performance and Stability of Automotive Air Conditioning System with a Variable Displacement Compressor 9. LNG Onshore Distribution – a Growing Segment of the LNG Technology 10. HFC161 and Its Mixtures as Alternative Refrigerants 11. Constraints of Adsorption Cooling Cycles Working at Partial Vacuum and Pressurized Conditions 12. Boiling Heat Transfer of Liquid Nitrogen in Mini-and Micro-scale Configurations 13. Low Vibration 4K Two-stage Pulse Tube Cryocooler 14. The Innovative Design Methodology for Globalized Refrigeration Product

A. Cryogenics 1. An Experimental Apparatus for Testing Characteristics of Stirling Cycle Regenerator under Oscillating Flow and Acoustic Effect 2. Optimization Study on the Supercritical R744 in a Coaxial Tube under Water-cooling Conditions 3. Simulation and Optimization of Air Separation Unit Based on Aspen Plus 4. Simulation and Analysis of Gas-phase Flow within Characteristic Structure of Structured Packing 5. Experimental Investigation on Frequency Dependency of Different Regenerators in Tar System 6. Modification of Flammability Limits Correlations for Hydrofluorocarbon Mixtures 7. Development of High Frequency Pulse Tube Coolers at CAS

B. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning C. Energy and Utilization D. Interdisciplinary Novel Techniques

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