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The Achievement of Precambrlan Palaeontology of China--The Neoproterozoic Qingbaikou Period Longfe
Author(s): Du Rulin
Publisher: Science Press
Published Date: 2009
ISBN: 7-03-23554-1
Pages: 145
Language: Chinese with English Summary
Type: Book
Cover: Paper Cover

Our Price: $84.00
Avail: In-Stock


The Longfengshan biota is the earliest representative Neoproterozoic macroscopic biocoenosis in earth. It is a metaorganism assigned to manifold taxon in marine facies, earlier than Ediacaran biota. Organisms in Longfengshaniaceae are not only macroscopic organisms with organ differentiation, but also the earliest macroscopic benthic algae. At present, the biocoenosis-like Longfengshan biota with the earlier time, peculiar type, abundant contents and perfect preservation is still rare. Without doubt the occurrence of the early macroscopic organisms is a milestone in organic evolution. It has important theoretical and practical significance on the probing into the origin and evolution of the macroscopic organisms and correlation of strata.

The Longfengshan or Huailai biota is a general name of biocoenosis with feature of horizons and ranges. It is characterized by Longfengshania, included manifolds paragenetic macroscopic algae, trace fossils and problematic metazoan from the Changlongshan Formation of the Qingbaikou system in the Yanshan Range, north Hebei.

The fossils of Longfengshan biota are assigned to 2 familes, 10 genera and 28 species, including one new genus and four new species .

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