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Stabilities in Dynamical Systems
Author(s): Changming Ding and Yuming Chu
Publisher: Science Press
Published Date: 2008
ISBN: 9787030225962
Pages: 144
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $33.00
Avail: In-Stock


Stability is a classical topic in the study of dynamical systems. This book focuses on three special topics, i.e., chain stability, Zhukovskil stability and intertwined basins.

Main Contents


Chapter I Basic Definitions and Properties
1.1 Some Elementary Concepts
1.2 Recurrent Orbits 1.3 Auslander Recurrence
1.4 Chain Recurrence
1.5 Attractors

Chapter II Chain Stability
2.1 Absolute Stability
2.2 Chain Prolongation and Stability
2.3 Attracting Sets and Quasi-attracting Sets
2.4 Lyapunov Functions
2.5 Chain Stability of Closed Sets

Chapter III Zhukovskij Stability
3.1 Zhukovskij Stability
3.2 Omega Limit Set
3.3 Asymptotical Stability
3.4 Global Structure

Chapter IV Intertwined Basins of Attraction

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