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Paleonenvironmental Reconstruction of Mesozoic Dinosaurs Fauna in Sichuan Basin
Author(s): Wang Quanwei, Liang Bin
Publisher: Geological Publishing House
Published Date: 2008
ISBN: 978-7-116-05575-9
Pages: 189
Language: Chinese with English Summary
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $34.10
Avail: In-Stock


This book deals with observation and study of 9 dinosaurs (including silicified woods) buried sites, investigation of geological route, stratigraphy and sedimentary-facies profile for the buried site, and systematic sampling and analysis in Sichuan and Chongqing areas, in which earlier study results of Mesizoic dinosaurs fossils in Sichuan Basin are included. These aspects of evolution of dinosaurs fauna, paleoclimate, paleovegetation and paleogeographical environment in the book provide a basis for further studying paleoenvironment of Sichuan continental-facies basin and its evolution.

Main Contents

Chapter I Geological Setting of Sichuan Basin
Chapter II Mesozoic Dinosaurs Fauna and Its Evolution in Sichuan Basin
Chapter III Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Environment of Major Dinosaurs Buried Sites
Chapter IV Discussion on Buried Environment and Mass Buried Cause for Dinosaurs fossil
Chapter V Sporopollen and Plant fossil Assemblages, and Indicated Paleovegetion and Paleoclimate
Chapter VI Molecular Fossil from Dinosaurs Buried Site and Its Paleoenvironment
Chapter VII Geochemistry of Jurassic Red Beds and Its paleoenvironment Implication
Chapter VIII C and O Composition of Carbonate and Its Paleoenvironment Implication
Chapter IX Reconstruction of Life Environment for Mesozoic Dinosaurs Fauna in Sichuan Basin

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