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Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
Author(s): Dong Wei
Publisher: Ocean Press
Published Date: 2006
ISBN: 7502766758
Pages: 315
Language: Chinese with English Summary
Type: Proceedings
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $35.00
Avail: In-Stock

Main Contents

1. The Sauropod Fossils from the Zigong, Sichuan, China
2. The Stegosaur Fossils in Sichuan Basin
3. Stratum Model of the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary of Dating, Nanxiong Basin, Guangdong, China
4. A New Hipparion Stie in Guizhong Bsin of Tibet, With Revision on the Uplift Qinghai-Xizang Plateau
5. Early Pleistocene Megalovis (Artiodactyla, Mammalian) from the Tuozi Cave At Tangshan, Jiangsu Province, China
6. Early Pleistocene Stegodon (Proboscidea, Mammalia) from the Tuozi Cave at Tangshan, Jiangsu Province, China
7. Fossil Anourosorex (Insectivora, Mamalia) from the Renzi Cave, Fanchang, Anhui Province, China
8. Additional Note on the Cuon from Linyi, Shanixi Province, China
9. New Quaternary Mammalian Localtiites from Liaoning Province, China
10. Virtual Reconstruction And Comparative Anatomy of 3Dfossil Endocranium
11. Stable Carbon Isotopic Evidence of Tooth Enamei For the Late Neogene Habitats of the Hipparion Fauna in China
12. A Review on Miocene Hominoid Research Around South Asia
13. Dental Caries of Gigantopithecus Blacki from Longgu Cave in Jianshi of Hubei Province
14. The Pattern of the Brain Evolution of Chinese Fossil Hominids And Its Implication
15. Physical Research on Neolithic Residents in China
16. Physical Research on Chinese Residents from the Bronze Age To Qin-Han Period
17. Ancient DNAS And Their Archaeological Significance
18. Paleolithic Cultural Evolution And Its Relationship With Environmental Changes in Anhui Province, China
19. Analysis of Tool-Making Modes of Liangshan Lithic industry And Its Comparative Study
20. A Review on the Paleolithic Industry of Guangxi, China
21. Some Problems on the Paleolithic Archaeology in Guangdong
22. The Distinction Between Artifacts And Pseudo-Artifacts in Paleolithic
23. Brief Report on the Excavation of the Paleolithic Site At the Lianhuachishan, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, China
24. A Discussion on the Microblade Cultural Relationship in the Southern Part of Shanxi Province
25. Paleolithic Remains And Paleo-Neolithic Transition in the Upper Valleys of the Weihe River
26. On the Ridged-Hammer Bipolar Flaking And Its Products in the Three Gorges Region
27. Paleogeography and Paleoclimate of the Huihe-Dam Microlithic Site in Hulunbeir (Inner Mongolia, China)
28. The Holocene Vegetation and Climate Changes in the Turpan Basin of Xinjiang, China
29. Brief Comments on the Role of Animal Fossils in the Base For Popularizing Science And Education
30. Discussion on Paleontological Illustration Postscript

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