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Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
Author(s): Deng Tao
Publisher: Ocean Press
Published Date: 2001
Pages: 301
Language: Chinese with English Summary
Type: Proceedings
Cover: Paper Cover

Our Price: $45.00
Avail: In-Stock


1.Postcranial skeleton of Xinpusaurus
2.Advance in the study of Mesozoic lissamphibians from China
3.The diet of prosauropods and sauropods from Lufeng, Yunnan Province, China
4.A forefoot of sauropod from the Tuchengzi Formation of Chaoyang area in Liaoning, China
5.A preliminary report on a sauropod from the Hasandong formation ( Lower Cretaceous), Korea
6.The first multituberculate from Japan
7.Dinosaur fossils from the Heyuan Basin in Guangdong Province, China
8.On the Upper Cretaceous Jiayin Group of Heilongjiang Province, China
9.The Late Cretaceous dinosaur fauna and strata from Tianzhen , Shanxi and Yangyuan, Hebei, China
10.The lover part of Tunggur formation and the age of its underlying stratum
11.Upper Cenozoic stratigraphy and paleoenvironment of Xiaolongtan Basin, Kaiyuan,Yunnan Province
12.Cranial ontogenesis of Chilotherium wimani ( Perissodactyla, Rhinocerotidae)
13.The relation between diet and tooth size and morphology: application to the diet analysis for Yuanmou Hominoid
14.Incremental markings and dental development of Yuanmou Hominoid
15.On the origin and evolution of quaternary tapirs in China
16.Re-dating Late Pleistocene Ailuropoda-Stegodon Fauna and its implications
17.A review of Pachycrocuta sinensis and analysis of its relationship with the two extant genera Hyaena and Crocuta
18.Assemblage and age of the Quaternary mammalian faunas from Lingnan region
19.The age and characteristics of quaternary mammalian faunas from northeastern China
20.New materials of Palaeoloxodon Huaihoensis in northern Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces and their paleoenvironment
21.An interpretation of lithic technology and hominid behavior at Zhoukoudian Locality
22.New advances in Paleolithic archeological investigations in the Three Gorges region, China
23.On the pattern of observing stone artifacts
24.The Paleolithic localities at Shuangpuzi in Zhuanglang County, Gansu Province
25.Observation and reflection on the archaeology of cave sites in Zhejiang
26."Chaine operatoire" and the shift of Paleolithic paradigms
27.Discussion on the Paleolithic culture of Hanshui River valley
28.The lower and middle Paleolithic in China and West Asia
29.Cribra orbitalia on Neolithic skulls of Shandong
30.The geological and ecological environmental characteristics in the source area of the Yellow River

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