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The Dinosaur eggs fossils in Nanyang, China
Author(s): Zhou Shiquan
Publisher: China University of Geology Press
Published Date: 2005
ISBN: 756252033
Pages: 100
Language: Chinese and English
Type: Proceedings
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $65.00
Avail: In-Stock

Main Contents

1 Survey
2 Retrospection and evolvement of research on dinosaur eggs fossils
3 The distributing and stratum of dinosaur eggs fossils
4 Structural of basin with dinosaur eggs and its evolving characteristic
5 Classification of dinosaur eggs fossils and their composition
6 Ancient ecological characteristic of dinosaur eggs fossils
7 Meaning of combination types of dinosaur eggs fossils and other strata periods
8 Division of Chalk’ s boundary
9 Ancient climate in late Cretaceous
10 Extinction of dinosaur pack and boundaries and events
11 Protection of dinosaur eggs fossils
Picture Information and Plate Illuminate
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