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Palaeontologia Sinica (New Series A,Whole Number 194, Number 15)Triassic Sporopollen Assemblages fro
Author(s): Huang Pin
Publisher: Science Press
Published Date: 2008
ISBN: 978-7-03-020784-5
Pages: 240
Language: Chinese with English Abstract
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $52.80
Avail: In-Stock


The Santanghu Basin is located at the Sino-Mongolia border in the northeast of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and is one of the medium / small sized basins on the margin of the Junggar Basin. The material in this paper was discovered from wells TQ1(440-696m), TQ2 (677-937.68m) and T1 (2382-2644m). In total 88 samples were collected from the Triassic strata of these wells. Among them, 37 contain a certain member of sporopollen, and 20 contain abundant sporopollen. It is the first time that a palynological study of the Triassic in the Santanghu area is made on the basis of rich and systematic material.

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