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Trilobite Record of China
Author(s): Zhou Zhiyi
Publisher: Science Press
Published Date: 2009
ISBN: 9787030221759
Pages: 401
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $104.40
Avail: In-Stock


This volume deals with 1677 trilobite genera that occur in the Palaeozoic rocks of China, and, after a critical revision, 1317 of them are considered as valid. All the valid forms are listed with reference to their familial assignments, and chronostratigraphical, geographical and geological settings. Based on the updated data of their temporal and spatial distribution, the Cambrian and Ordovician biogeography of China is reviewed. Furthermore, the familial and generic biodiversity changes through the 46 Palaeozoic stages and 71 Cambro-Ordovician time intervals (defined by biozones) in China are depicted, and the fundamental trends in the history of trilobite diversification and macroevolution through the Palaeozoic of China are revealed. The book provides the most complete and consistent data set available for trilobite records in China, and will interest all those of the palaeontologists, geologists and biologists who wish to roam about theChinese trilobite kingdom with ease.

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