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The Sanxingdui Site - Mystical Masks on Ancient Shu Kingdom
Author(s): Sanxingdui Museum
Publisher: China Intercontinental Press
Published Date: 2006
ISBN: 7508508521
Pages: 135
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $74.80
Avail: In-Stock


China’s bronze culture is well known worldwide, and the Sanxingdui’s bronze culture is unique in China for its well developed bronze human images. Cultural relics unearthed from Sanxingdui leave viewers with an impression of mythical beauty. There are many questions to be solved. Are the bronze human images celestial beings or wizards? Why are so many exquisite bronze objects broken and buried underground? What kind of a metropolis it was like 3,000years ago? Why did such a well developed civilization emerge and disappear suddenly? These questions are raised in this photo album that is different from an archaeological report or an illustrated catalogue of exhibition. This book comprises a text of 60 000 Chinese characters and more than 200 photos. It can be used both as gift and at a cultural exhibition.

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