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Taxation Policy and the Economy of China
Author(s): Zhang Wei
Publisher: People's Publishing House
Published Date: 2006
ISBN: 7-01-005791-5
Pages: 224
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $44.00
Avail: In-Stock


This book uses all kinds of data on tax revenue generated over the last decade to prove an important theorem. From behind this wall of data, Zhang Wei manages to demonstrate the relationships between each tax within the economic structure. Finally, based on logic inference and the demonstration of the foregoing relationships between tax and the economy, taxation rules and policies can be derived. What should impress readers is that building or improving a system must not be based purely on theory, but on reality and practice. After all, the aim of building a proper taxation system is to solve problems incurred in the economic realm.

Main Contents

Chapter 1: PRC Economy and Tax System
Chapter 2: Indirect Taxation and the Rise of VAT
Chapter 3: Income Tax Policy
Chapter 4: Taxation in GDP Distribution
Chapter 5: International Comparison of Tax Systems

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