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Tracing Marco Polo's China Route
Author(s): Shi Baoxiu
Publisher: China Intercontinental Press
Published Date: 2007
ISBN: 7-5085-0602-2
Pages: 204
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $67.10
Avail: In-Stock


Italian traveler Marco Polo is a symbol of cultural exchange between East and West. He arrived in Shangdu of the Yuan Dynasty in 1275, and was received by Emperor Kubai. He served as an official for 17 years, and toured China extensively. After returning to Italy he wrote his Travels of Marco Polo that caused a sensation in the West. Seven hundred years later, author Shi baoxiu retraced Marco Polo’s footsteps in many areas of China, and conducted an overall investigation into folklore, history, culture and people’s lives in various localities

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