Writing Chinese Characters |
Author(s): Du Li |
Publisher: Sinolingua Press Published Date: 2006 ISBN: 7-80200-203-6 Pages: 47 Language: Chinese and English Type: Book Cover: Hard Cover |
Our Price: $36.30
Avail: In-Stock |

Chinese character is the written symbols of Chinese language. It record documents and convey information, so it is very important to learn to write Chinese characters. Comparing with the writing of alphabetical letters, the writing of Chinese characters is more difficult. Yet as long as you know the rules for writing Cines characters, it will be much easier to master.
This set explains the strokes, writing orders and the structure of Chinese characters. Through examples and writing demos, learners will find the set helpful for understanding the writing rules. What’s more, this set also shows the evolution of Chinese characters, which will arouse the interests of the learners.
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