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The People’s Bank of China Quarterly Statistical Bulletin(2008-4,Volum LII)
Author(s): Bank of China
Publisher: China Financial Publishing House
Published Date: 2008
ISBN: 978-7-5049-4780-0
Pages: 118
Language: Chinese and English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $77.00
Avail: In-Stock

Main Contents

1. Survey of Major Economic Indicators
2. Monetary Statistics of Financial Institutions
2.1 Major Financial Indicators
2.2 Major Financial Indicators (Seasonally Adjusted)
2.3 Financial Performance
2.4 Sources and Uses of Credit Funds of Financial Institutions(RMB)
2.5 Balance Sheet of Monetary Authority
2.6 Balance Sheet of Other Depository Corporations
2.7 Depository Corporations Survey
2.8 Balance Sheet of Policy Banks
2.9 Balance Sheet of State – owned Commercial Banks
2.10 Balance Sheet of Joint Stock Commercial Banks
2.11 Balance Sheet of Urban Commercial Banks
2.12 Balance Sheet of Foreign – funded Banks
2.13 Balance Sheet of Urban credit Cooperatives
2.14 Balance Sheet of Rural Credit Cooperatives
2.15 Balance Sheet of Postal Savings Bank of China
2.16 Balance Sheet of Finance Companies
3. Financial Market Statistics
3.1 Trading Statistics of National Interbank Market
3.2 Statistics of Foreign Exchange Transactions
3.3 Govemment Domestic Debt Issuance
3.4 Treasury Bonds Trading in Shanghai & Shenzhen Stock Exchange
3.5 Statistic of Stock Trading on Nation – wide Basis
4. Interest Rates
4.1 Benchmark Interest Rates of Central Bank
4.2 Financial Institutions: Official Benchmark Rates of RMB Deposits
4.3 Financial Institutions : Official Benchmark Rates of RMB Loans
5. Flow of Funds Accounts
5.1 Flow of Funds Accounts, 2004
5.2 Flow of Funds Accounts, 2005
5.3 Flow of Funds Accounts, 2006
6. Economic Research
6.1 Major Financial Indicators of 5000 Principal Industrial Enterprises
6.2 Major Financial Analytical Indicators of 5000 Principal Industrial Enterprises
6.3 Diffusion Indices of Business Survey of 5000 Principal Industrial Enterprises
6.4 Business Climate Analysis: 2008 Q3
7. Price Statistics
7.1 Major Price Indices
7.2 Corporate Goods Price Indices (CGPI)
8. Statistics of Foreign – funded Financial Institutions
8.1 Survey of Foreign – funded & Joint Venture Financial Institutions in China
9. Charts of Major Economic & Financial Indicators
10. Concepts and Definitions for Major Indicators

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