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He Zhenliang and China's Olympic Dream
Author(s): Liang Lijuan
Publisher: Foreign Languages Press
Published Date: 2007
ISBN: 978-7-119-03753-6
Pages: 511
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $83.60
Avail: In-Stock


Known as China's Mr. Olympics, He Zhenliang helped shape the course of Chinese sports diplomacy for over 50 years, giving direction to some of its greatest events. He was appointed to the International Olympic Committee in 1981, became a member of the Executive Committee of the International Olympic Committee in 1985 and finally vice chairman of the International Olympic Committee in 1989. As honorary president of the Chinese Olympic Committee, he has worked tirelessly to promote the Olympic movement and the principles for which it stands. He has particularly worked among young people to instill in them the spirits and ideas of the Olympic dream. The book He Zhenliang and China's Olympic Dream, written by He's wife Liang Lijuan, senior journalist at the People's Daily, chronicles He's memories of the sports world. It provides an insider's perspective on the timeline of China's sports history, including the fight against "two Chinas" in international sports organizations in the 1950s, the founding of the Games of the Newly Emerging Forces (GANEFO) in the 1960s, China's return to the IOC Fold in the 1970s, the 1990 Beijing 11th Asian Games, and Beijing's bids for the 2000 and 2008 Olympic Games. It also records the growth of a common boy who devoted his every effort to sports and the Olympic cause, said Liang Lijuan at the ceremony, adding that the book was dedicated to those who stood and fought alongside He in every battle he faced over the course of his lifetime.

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