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A Homological Approach to the Theory of Monoids
Author(s): Shanzhen Lu, Dachun Yang and Guoen Hu
Publisher: Science Press
Published Date: 2008
ISBN: 978-7-03-020103-4
Pages: 216
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $60.50
Avail: In-Stock


The book offers a comprehensive survey of the area of monoids. It includes injective and weakly injective S-acts, the concept of projective S-acts, some fundamental and interesting results concerning strong flatness, condition (P) and flatness of S-acts, some results on homological classification of monoids, the study of sheaves for classes of monoids and S-acts, analogous to the sheaves for classes of rings and modules

Main Contents

Chapter 1 Fundamental Concepts
Chapter 2 Injective and Weakly Injective S-Acts and Related Concepts
Chapter 3 Relatively Injective S-acts and Related Concepts
Chapter 4 Projective S-Acts
Chapter 5 Flat S-Acts
Chapter 6 Homological Classification of Monoids by Flatness
Chapter 7 Some Topics Relative to Flatness
Chapter 8 Sheaves for Classes of Monoids

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