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Some Topics on Value Distribution and Differentiability in Complex and P-adic Analysis – Mathematics Monograph Series 11
Author(s): A.Escassut, W.Tutschke and C.C.Yang
Publisher: Science Press
Published Date: 2008
ISBN: 978-7-03-020406-6
Pages: 631
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $63.80
Avail: In-Stock


The recent advancements, new results and applications of complex analysis and p-adic analysis are rather extensive. In this book, the focuas centers on those topics which pertain to two intrinsic properties of analytic functions: value distribution and complex differentiability. Complex analysis and p-adic analysis are two closely linked, old branches of mathematics that have played a prominent role in the development of modern mathematics.

Main Contents

Part I Value Distribution of Complex and P-adic Functions
Chapter 1 The Second Main Theorem on Generalized Parabolic Manifolds
Chapter 2 P-adic Value Distribution
Chapter 3 Survey on Meromorphic Functions of Uniqueness
Chapter 4 A Survey on Uniqueness Polynomials and Unique Range Sets
Chapter 5 On Petrenko’s Theory of Growth of Meromorphic
Chapter 6 Linear Operators, Fourier Transforms and the Riemann ?-function
Chapter 7 Hyperbolic Hypersurfaces of Lower Degrees
Chapter 8 Admissible Solutions of Functional Equation of Diophantine Type

Part II New Applications of the Concept of Differentiability
Chapter 9 Recent Developments in Applied Pseudoanalytic Function Theory
Chapter 10 Bioquaternions for Analytic and Numerical Solution of Equations of Electrodynamics
Chapter 11 Asymptotic Behavior of Subfunctions of Time-Independent Schr?dinger Operators
Chapter 12 The Bank-Laine Conjecture-a Survey
Chapter 13 On Complex Solutions to Functional and Non-linear Partial Differential Equations
Chapter 14 Clifford Algebras Depending on Parameters and Their Applications to Partial Differential Equations
Chapter 15 Application of Complex Analytic Method to Equations of Mixed (Elliptic-Hyperbolic) Type
Chapter 16 The Tricomi Problem for Second Order Equations of Mixed Type

Part III Boundary Value Problems
Chapter 17 The Problem of Linear Conjugation and Systems of Singular Integral Equations
Chapter 18 Linear Conjugation with Displacement for Analytic Functions
Chapter 19 Linear Conjugation with Displacement for Generalized Analytic Functions and Vectors
Chapter 20 On Boundary Value Problems for Non-Linear Systems of Partial Differential Equations in the Plane

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