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Equations of Classical Mathematical Physics
Author(s): Xie Hongzheng
Publisher: Science Press
Published Date: 2007
ISBN: 7-03-016832-1
Pages: 254
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $30.80
Avail: In-Stock


Besides showing basic concepts and principles on partial differential equations, the focus of attention in this book is discussing main methods and techniques for solving basic definite problems.

Main Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Mathematical models and problems for defining solutions
Chapter 3 Classification and simplification for linear partial differential equations of second order
Chapter 4 Integral method on characteristics
Chapter 5 The method of separating variables on finite region
Chapter 6 Eigenvalue problems and special functions
Chapter 7 Multidimensional boundary value problems
Chapter 8 Integral transformations
Chapter 9 Basic properties of harmonic functions
Chapter 10 Green function and their application to PDEs

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