Handbook of Geometric Analysis (Vol.1) |
Author(s): Li Xiuzhen et al |
Publisher: Higher Education Press Published Date: 2008 ISBN: 9787040252880 Pages: 676 Language: English Type: Book Cover: Hard Cover |
Our Price: $137.50
Avail: In-Stock |

Geometric Analysis combines differentiae equations and differential geometry.An important aspect is to solve geometric problems by studying differentiae equations.Besides some known linear differential operators such as the Laplace operator, many differential equations arising from differential geometry are nonlinear.Particularly important example is the Monge-Amp~re equation?Applications to geometric problems have also motivated new methods and techniques in differential equations?The field of geometric analysis is broad and has had many striking applications.This handbook of geometric analysis provides introductions to and surveys of important topics in geometric analysis and their applications to related fields which is intend t0 be referred by graduate students and researchers in related areas.