Friday, March 14, 2025
China Agricultural Development in 2008 |
Author(s): BEN SHE & YI MING |
Publisher: China Agriculture Press Published Date: 2008 ISBN: 9787109131866 Pages: 189 Language: English Type: Book Cover: Hard Cover |
Our Price: $299.00
Avail: In-Stock |

Under the correct leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC)and the State Council,the Ministry of Agriculture,in its work in 2007,gave priority to the development of a modern agriculture and invigoration of the rural economy while closely following the general requirement of building a new socialist countryside.Agricultural departments at various levels fully implemented the spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress,conscientiously carried out the central government'S policies and measures for promoting the development of agriculture and rural areas.They actively dealt with serious natural disasters and stood the test of market risks.Grain production achieved another bumper harvest and registered a growth in output for the fourth successive vear.In the meantime,the production of other main farm products recorded steady growth and various industries in rural areas developed in a coordinatedway.Farmers also saw their earnings rise fairly rapidly in four consecutive Vears and their life further improved.New breakthroughs were made in the development of agriculture and the rural economy as a whole,thus providing strong support for the steady and rapid development of the entire national economy.In 2008,the work related to agriculture and the rural economy has been carried out in a harsh situation and in face of unprecedented challenges as the tasks are arduous,difficulties abound,demands are high and the pressure is heavy.We therefore must follow the scientific cOncept Of deVelopment in a deepgoing way,conscientiously plan agricultural and rural economic work from the perspective of the country's overall strategv and overall situation.We must persist in realizing agricultural modemization with Chinese characteristics and earnestly boost the construction of agricultural infrastructure in order to guarantee the effective supply Of farnl products and boost the steady increase of earnings for farmers.The mostimportant task of our agricultural work should be to increase the production of grams and other main farm products and every effort should be made to obtain a good harvest this year,both of grains and agriculture as a whole.The steady development of the rural economy should be the major task of ourruralworkandnoeffort shouldbe sparedtoboostfarmers'eamings.Greater endeavors must be made to fully carry out the objectives and general plans set at the beginning of this year to ensure that new achievements will beobtained in the year in the development of agriculture and the rural ecOnonlv.thus making new contributions to the country's socioeconomic developmentas a whole
Main Contents
Agricultural Development in 2007
General Situation
Crop Farming
Livestock Raising
Veterinary Sector
Township Enterprises
Land Reclamation Economy
Prices and Markets of Farm Products
Import and Export of Farm Produce
Income and Distribution in Rural Areas
Farmers'Income and Consumption
Agricultural Investment
Comprehensive Agricultural Development
Poverty Relief and Development
Agricultural Mechanization
Feed Industry Grassland Protection and Construction
Aquatic Life Resources and Environmental Protection
Industrialized Operation of Agriculture
Farm Product Processing
Development of a Crop Disease and Pest Prevention and Control System
Development of the Farm Products Market System
Development of Agricultural Information System
Control of Agricultural Product Quality Safety
Agricultural Science and Technology,Education and Technology Propagation
Development of Talented People in the Agricultural Sector
Improvement of Agricultural Administrative Capacity
Agricultural Disasters
Sustainable Development of Agriculture
International Cooperation and Exchanges on Agriculture
Agriculture and Rural Policy in 2007
0verall Evaluation
Increases in Subsidies to Agriculture
Rural Land Contract Management
Management of Rural Collective Assets and Finances
Lightening Farmers'Burdens
Promoting Overall Rural Reform
Deepening Rural Banking Reform
Reform of the Grain Circulation System
Reform of the Cotton Circulation System
ExperimentsontheReformoftheGrass-rootsAgricultural TechniquePropagationSystem
Reform of the Veterinary Management System
Reform of the Seeds Management System
WTO and Chinese Agriculture
Agricultural Development and National Economy in 2007
Trend of Agricultral Eevelopment in 2008