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China Agricultural Development in 2009
Author(s): China Agriculture Press
Publisher: China Agriculture Press
Published Date: 2010
ISBN: 9771009654099
Pages: 247
Language: Chinese
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover
Our Price
: $315.00
: Out-Of-Stock
In 2008, crop production conquered the natural disasters, and became a highlight of the development of national economy.
Grain production created new record in total output and average yield Grain production of both total output and average yield for increased for the fifth consecutive year, and for the first time in the past 8 years the balance of demand and supply was realized which effectively relieved the pressure of a tight balance between supply and demand. In 2008, grain-sown area reached 106. 793 million hectares, increasing by 1. 154 3 million hectares from 2007. Total grain output reached 5. 287 billion tons, up 27. 106 million tons and 5.4% as compared with 2007, increasing by 3.2% as compared with the highest level in 1998 and realizing growth for five consecutive years in total output for the first time in the past 40 years. Average grain yield per hectare summed up to 4 951 kilograms, up 203.5 kilograms as compared with the record high level in 2007, refreshing record for the fifth consecutive year, and it was the first time since the establishment of the People's Republic of China. The growth in average yield contributed more than 80% to the total output increase, which was the record high in the past five years.
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