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Geological Map of Asia and Europe (1: 5000 000)
Author(s): Li Tingdong
Publisher: Geological Publish House
Published Date: 2010
ISBN: 7116024212
Pages: 9
Language: English
Type: Map
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $499.00
Avail: In-Stock


Geological map of Asia and Europe (1:5000000), in 9 sheets. The map is immense in size, just list the Eurasian continent itself. A Large wall of at least 3M wide and 2.4M high is needed to display it. The continent of Eurasia is the largest of the world. It occupies about 36% of the total 1 and area of the globe. It is a mosaic of many large and small tectonic blocks, welded by younger orogenic belts. To achieve a com;ete coverage of geological features of the entire continent in a single map is evidently a very difficult task. The production of this map is indeed most admirable. The map legend includes (1) Stratigraphy, (2) igneous rocks, (3) genetic types of the quaternary deposits (marine, lacustrine, loess, glacial, etc.), and (4) offshore isobaths. The igneous rocks include (a) plutonic rocks with standard color designation for different rock types and chronological symbols. (b)hypabyssal intrusive rocks, and (c) Pliocene-to-recent and pre-Pliocene volcanic rocks. Because the Eurasian continent contains an immense spectrum of geologicl features, not all of them can be expressed in a single map. However, the key elements, such as rock type distribution, principal tectonic/structural trends, major drainage systems, and other geomorphic features are well demonstrated.

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