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Meteorology and Oceanography for Mariners
Author(s): Liu Dagang & Leng Mei
Publisher: Dalian Marine University Press
Published Date: 2011
ISBN: 9787563225477
Pages: 137
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Paper Cover

Our Price: $45.00
Avail: In-Stock


This book is applicable to the deck mates aiming at observing and recording weather conditions and in interpreting prevailing conditions to predict future weather patterns and also to professionally study weather forecasts. This book is organized into five sections. Starting with the basic knowledge of the meteorological elements, temperature, pressure, humidity, wind, cloud, visibility and weather phenomena are briefed. An emphasis on Buys - Ballot Law explains the formation of the wind and the relationship be-tween the wind and air pressure field. Then weather systems often encountered at sea, such as fronts, cy-clones and anticyclones, are covered. Tropical cyclones produce the most severe weather so we have much discussion on the topic. The following section is the summary of the ocean climatology. The fourth section is the introduction of ocean current, waves, and sea ice. The last section of the book recites the weather information and services available at sea. Fax charts are by far the most valuable forecasting tool at our disposal. We cannot emphasize too strongly the importance of understanding these charts, and having are liable means to receive them. This book is to be used as a textbook for the course of Meteorology and Oceanography for Mariners in Dalian Maritime University. This book may also be used by mariners as general reference.

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