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Proceedings Of The Third International Symposium on Future Intelligent Earth Observation Satellites
Author(s): Wang Chao,Roger King,Yan Dongmei,Zhou Guoqing Lang
Publisher: Science Press
Published Date: 2009
ISBN: 9787030194022
Pages: 427
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Paper Cover

Our Price: $110.00
Avail: In-Stock


The real-time acquisition and intelligent processing has emerged as an important trend of future Earth observation technologies. The international symposium on Future Intelligent Earth Observing Satellites (FIEOS) were previously hosted in Denver, Colorado, USA in 2002 and Istanbul, Turkey in 2004. The new technologies for future Earth observation, such as on board processing systems, sensor integration, data processing and communication, and applications of satellite data, as presented in the previous symposium, are highlighted widely now. The 3rd International Symposium of FIEOS (FIEOS 2006), held during 24-26 May, 2006 in Beijing, China, provided a good exchange platform for experts from all over the world to share their experience in the field of Earth observation technologies and applications.

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