Advanced Steels-The Recent Scenarioin Steel Science and Technology- Proceedings of The First Interna |
Author(s): Weng Yuqing, Dong Han et al |
Publisher: Springer Published Date: 2011 ISBN: 9787502454364 Pages: 511 Language: English Type: Book Cover: Hard Cover |
Our Price: $177.00
Avail: In-Stock |

"Advanced Steels: The Recent Scenario in Steel Science and Technology" contains more than 50 articles selected from the proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Steels (ICAS) held during 9-11, Nov, 2010 in Guilin, China. This book covers almost all important aspects of steels from physical metallurgy, steel grades, processing and fabrication, simulation, to properties and applications. The book is intended for researchers and postgraduate students in the field of steels, metallurgy and materials science. Prof. Yuqing Weng is an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and the president of The Chinese Society for Metals. Prof. Han Dong is the vice president of Central Iron & Steel Research Institute and the director of National Engineering Research Center of Advanced Steel Technology, China. Prof. Yong Gan is an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, the vice president of Chinese Academy of Engineering and the president of Central Iron & Steel Research Institute, China.