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Karst in China - A World of Distinctive Peaks and Wonderful Caves
Author(s): Lu Yaoru
Publisher: Higher Education Press
Published Date: 2012
ISBN: 9787040338904
Pages: 378
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $150.00
Avail: In-Stock


Karst in China is of great social significance. Not only is it closely involved in many aspects of people's daily life and national economic construction projects such as water conservation,hydropower, railways, expressways,seaports, airports, mines and municipal and urban construction etc, but it is also intimately interactive with agriculture, eco-systems and the geo-environment. Karst in China——A World of Improbable Peaks and Wonderful Caves is a remarkable scientific monograph. With a host of photos and figures as well as vivid writing,it reveals the features and rules of karst development in China,reflects upon construction achievements, and summarizes a lifetime's experience of geological studies in these great karst lands.

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