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On the Study of Singular Nonlinear Traveling Wave Equations: Dynamical System Approach
Author(s): Jibin Li Huihui Dai
Publisher: Science Press
Published Date: 2007
ISBN: 978-7-03-018835-9
Pages: 243
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $37.40
Avail: In-Stock


The aim of this book is to give a more systematic account for the bifurcation theory method of dynamical systems to find traveling wave solutions with an emphasis on singular waves and understand their dynamics for some classes of the well-posedness of nonlinear partial differential equations.

Main Contents

Chapter1 Traveling Wave Equations of Some Physical Models
Chapter2 Basic Mathematical Theory of the Singular Traveling Wave Systems
Chapter3 Bifurcations of Traveling Wave Solutions of Nonlinear Elastic Rod Systems
Chapter4 Bifurcations of Traveling Wave Solutions of Generalized Camassa-Holm Equation
Chapter5 Bifurcations of Traveling Wave Solutions of Higher Order Korteweg-De Vries Equations
Chapter6 The Bifurcations of the Traveling Wave Solutions of K(m,n) Equation
Chapter7 Kink Wave Solution Determined by a Parabola Solution of Planar Dynamical Systems
Chapter8 Traveling Wave Solutions of Coupled Nonlinear Wave Equations
Chapter9 Solitary Waves and Chaotic Behavior for a Class of Coupled Field Equations
Chapter10 Bifurcations of Breather Solutions of Some Nonlinear Wave Equations
Chapter11 Bounded Solutions of (n+1)-Dimensional Sine- and Sinh-Gordon Equations
Chapter12 Exact Explicit Traveling Wave Solutions for Two Classes of (n+1)-Dimensional Nonlinear Wave Equations


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