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Chinese Medicine Study Guide: Materia Medica
Author(s): Zhong Gansheng
Publisher: People's Medical Publishing House
Published Date: 2009
ISBN: 978-7-117-10640-5/R•10641
Pages: 496
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $48.00
Avail: In-Stock


This book is for education and reference purposes only. In view of the possibility of human error or changes in medical science, neither the author, editor nor the publisher nor any other party who has been involved in the preparation or publication of this work guarantees that the information contained herein is in every respected accurate or complete. The medicinal therapy and treatment techniques presented in this book are provided for the purpose of the reference only.

It is the responsibility of the readers to understand and adhere to local laws and regulations concerning the practice of these techniques and methods. The authors, editors and publishers disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss, injury, or damage incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contest of this book.

Main Contents

Chapter 1 The origins and Development of the Chinese Material Medical
Chapter 2 Producing Areas and Collection of Chinese Medicinal
Chapter 3 Processing and Preparation
Chapter 4 Characters and Functions of Chinese Medicinal
Chapter 5 Compatibility
Chapter 6 Contraindications
Chapter 7 Dosage and Administration
Chapter 8 Medicinal that Release the Exterior
Chapter 9 Medicinal that Clear Heat
Chapter 10 Medicinal that Drain Downwards
Chapter 11 Medicinal that Expel Wind and Damp
Chapter 12 Aromatic Medicinals that Transform Damp
Chapter 13 Medicinal that Promote Water Flow and Drain Damp
Chapter 14 Medicinal that Warm the Interior
Chapter 15 Medicinal that Regulate Qi
Chapter 16 Medicinal that Eliminate Food Retention
Chapter 17 Medicinal that Expel Worms
Chapter 18 Medicinal that Stop Bleeding
Chapter 19 Medicinal that Invigorate Blood and Transform Stasis
Chapter 20 Medicinal that Stop Cough, Caim Panting and Transform Phlegm
Chapter 21 Medicinal that Calm the Mind
Chapter 22 Medicinal that Calm the Liver and Extinguish Wind
Chapter 23 Medicinal that Open the Orifices
Chapter 24 Medicinal that Tonify Deficiency
Chapter 25 Astringent Medicinal
Chapter 26 Emetics
Chapter 27 Medicinal that Attack Toxins, Kill Parasites and Stop Itching
Chapter 28 Medicinal that Draw out Toxins, Expel Pus and Rejuvenate Flesh

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