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TLC Atlas of Chinese Crude Drugs in Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China
Author(s): Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission
Publisher: People's Medical Publishing House
Published Date: 2009
ISBN: 978-7-117-10641-2/R·10642
Pages: 306
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $218.80
Avail: In-Stock


This book is informative with abundant and solid research data. All the crude drug samples used in the studies are newly collected and represent different geographical sources. The TLC chromatograms were all original data obtained by the authors, and the pictures were taken by high quality digital cameras. More importantly, this book significantly to supplement and improve the TLC methods described in the chp. Therefore, this atlas is not only a legal standard of TLC identification of TCM crude drugs, but also a useful collection of latest research result in this field.

Main Contents

General Introduction

Chapter 1 Overview

Chapter 2 Equipment and Operation

Chapter 3 Main factors influencing the performance of thin-layer chromatography
TLC Identification of Chinese Crude Drugs
Bulbus Allii Macrostemonis
Bulbus Frilillariae Hupehensis
Bulbus Frilillariae Pallidiflorae
Bulbus Frilillariae Thunbergii
Bulbus Lilii
Cacumen Platycladi
Calculus Bovis Sativus
Calculus Bovis
Calyx Seu Fructus Physalis
Calys Kaki
Caulis Akebiae
Caulis Fibraureae
Caulis Mahoniae
Caulis Piperis Kadsurae
Caulis Ploygoni Multiflori
Caulis Sargentodoxae
Caulis Sinomenii
Caulis Spatholobi
Colla Corii Asini
Colla Cornus Cervi
Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum
Cortex Albiziae
Cortex Clinnamomi
Cortex Fraxini
Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis
Cortex Moutan
Cortex Periplocae
Cortex Phellodendri Amurensis
Cortex Phellodendri Chinensis
Cortex Pseudolaricis
Sanguis Draconis
Semen Alpiniae Katsumadai
Semen Armeniacae Amarum
Semen Cassiae
Semen Euphorbiae
Semen Hyoscyami
Semen Myristicae
Semen Sesami Nigrum
Semen Sinapis
Semen Strychni
Semen Trigonellae
Semen Ziziphi Spinosae
Spica Prunellae
Squama Manis
Stigma Croci
Venenum Bufonis


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