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A Profile of Genetic and Environmental Diseases in China
Author(s): Wei Wang
Publisher: Science Press
Published Date: 2009
ISBN: 978-7-03-023879-5
Pages: 302
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $38.40
Avail: In-Stock


This is the first book describing common Genetic and endemic diseases in China. Professor wei wang, the chief editor, is a Chinese geneticist and epidemiologist who has been long engaged in the study of disciplines of both genetics and public health. There are totally 13 chapters in the book .the first chapter is an introduction, which describes geographic characteristics ,population size and growth, population age structure ,ethnicity, mortality patterns , fertility patterns, maternal mortality , nuptiality, polygamy or onogamy ,andMigration .the other 12 chapters are single gene disorders, chromosomal disorders, congenital disorders, psoriasis and eczema, essential epilepsy, behavioral and psychiatric disorders,cardiovascular diseases, epidemiology and risk factors of common cancers, dietary deficiency disorders , environmental toxicity disorders ,combined deficiency toxicity disorders, and bioethical and legislative restrictions in China ,A great strength is ability to introduce the knowledge of epidemic diseases, endemic diseases ,etiological factors ,risk factors, and time distribution comprehensively and systematically .The book contains the most current information available on familial genetic diseases ,endemic diseases ,chronic diseases and bioethical and legislative restrictions in China.The book can be used by medical students as a supplementary textbook . it is also of great value as a reference for health professionals and physicians. Multiple copies of this valuable book Should also be on the shelves of all universities , medical schools and research establishments where these subjects are studied.

Main Contents

Chapter 1: China and its peoples
Chapter 2: Single gene disorders
Chapter 3: Chromosomal disorders
Chapter 4: Congenital disorders
Chapter 5: Psoriasis and eczema
Chapter 6: Essential epilepsy
Chapter 7: Behavioral and psychiatric disorders
Chapter 8: Cardiovascular disease
Chapter 9: Epidemiology and risk factors of common cancers
Chapter10: Dietary deficiency disorders
Chapter11: Environmental toxicity disorders
Chapter12: Combined deficiency-toxicity disorders
Chapter13: Bioethical and legislative restrictions in China

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