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Self-Excited Vibration: Theory, Paradigms and Research Methods
Author(s): Wenjing Ding
Publisher: Tsinghua University Press
Published Date: 2010
ISBN: 9783540697404
Pages: 399
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $79.00
Avail: In-Stock


Based on a systematic understanding of its theoretical foundations,Self-Excited Vibration Theory, Paradigms, and Research Methods offers a method for analyzing any type of self-excited vibration (SEV). After summarizing the research results of various SEV phenomenon, including chatter, shimmy, rotor whirl, flutter, gallop, and SEV of man-made control systems, the author constructs a general constitutive mechanism of SEV,as well as a common research program and detailed analysis technique.All of these will help the reader independently analyze any new SEV phenomena.

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