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China Financial Stability Report
Author(s): Dong Fei, Zhang Zhiwen, Cheng Ying
Publisher: China Financial Publishing House
Published Date: 2013
ISBN: 9787504970688
Pages: 250
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Paper Cover

Our Price: $65.00
Avail: In-Stock


Improve regulatory framework drawing on international banking regulatory reforms.Refresh supervisory philosophy and mechanism, build up a prudent supervisory system, and improve the effectiveness of supervision.A banking regulatory framework should be built up on the basis of current situation in the banking sector, also in line with international standards.Within the framework, commercial banks will be incentivized to steadily implement new capital regulatory standards, counter-cyclical capital buffer requirement will come in force, and a more efficient capital constraint mechanism will be in place.Liquidity management framework will be gradually improved on basis of quantitative impact studies.Assessment methodologies, supervisory rules and effective resolution regimes that specifically target to D-SIFIs are expected to be finalized, and SIFIs will be guided to develop RRPs and carry out resolvability assessments accordingly.Promote financial innovations steadily,and accelerate the transformation of financial sector.Push forward trails of cross sector operation actively and prudently, The banking sector should be motivated to upgrade current business model that over relies on capital consumption and interest spreads, foster capital-saving businesses, and optimize capital structure, liabilities structure, customer structure and income structure.Financial instruments and innovations that are of benefit to real economy should be encouraged, including securitizations, risk mitigation instruments and new capital innovations.Explore the applicability of forestland rights, contractual management rights of rural land and rural homeland as mortgages collaterals.Bring forth new ways to attract private capitals into banking sector and encourage private capitals to involve in the establishment of new type banking institutions or restructuring of existing banking institutions.

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