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Chinese Literature
Author(s): He Jianming
Publisher: New World Press
Published Date: 2012
ISBN: 9787510426360
Pages: 225
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Paper Cover

Our Price: $35.00
Avail: In-Stock


He Jianming is a renowned reportage writer,National Model Worker,as well as being a doyen of literature and philosophy.He is now vice-president of the Chinese Writers Association and secretary of its Secretariat and Party Committee,as well as a director on the Management Board of the China Writers Publishing Group,president of the Writers Publishing House,and vice-president of the Chinese Reportage Association.He has also won the 1st,2nd and 3rd Lu Xun Literary Prizes,the Best Works Awards by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee,the National Book Award,and the Chinese Best Book Award,along with being a five-time winner of the Chinese Reportage Award.He is known for such works as Loyalty and Betrayal,A Bodyguard's Memories,Gold Tears,Chinese College Entrance Exam Report,National Migration,A Chinese Tragedy,Minister,My Paradise,among others.

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