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Mirror of Health: Tongue Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine
Author(s): Fei Zhao-fu
Publisher: People's Medical Publishing House
Published Date: 2007
ISBN: 978-7-117-08596-0/R•8597
Pages: 214
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $39.60
Avail: In-Stock


One of the main diagnostic instruments in the hand of the practitioner of Chinese medicine is tongue diagnosis. The tongue is a likea mirror, reflecting the microcosm that is our body, and the knowledgeable practitioner can choose successful treatment strategiesby looking at her patient's tongue.The primary section uses clear color photographs to illustrate 34 tongue conditions, in conjunction with a detailed description;diagnosis and treatment and patient guidelines for lifestyle approaches to improved health. The following section is a collection ofpatient history case studies, accompanied by dramatically different “Before” and “After”photographs. The appendices are a wealth of material, and include comparative graphs ofsyndromes, tongue signs and the medicinals which are indicated as well as those not indicatedfor such conditions, as well as a reference sheet of formula ingredients.

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