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Chinese Medicine Study Guide: Fundamentals
Author(s): Zhou Xue-sheng
Publisher: People's Medical Publishing House
Published Date: 2007
ISBN: 978-7-117-09240-1/R•9241
Pages: 351
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $49.50
Avail: In-Stock


This book is written by Prof. Zhou Xue-sheng of Nanjing University of CM. With the help of his many years of teaching experience and his wide collection of CM manual, Prof. Zhou gives a descriptive and detailed explanation of the major contents and areas of questioning by clarifying with the help of various figures, charts and tables, which has been warmly welcomed by readers since they greatly increase the understanding and apperception.

A second edition has been formulated to fit the changing of the time and to fit the need of the readers. This new edition includes all the major points and information present in the first edition, along with additional information to make it complete and appropriate for readers.

With a more systemic and complete content along with descriptive charts and figures, this book provides a better explanation of CM basic theory, and serves as a important reference book for both CM teachers and students, as well as clinical staff and researchers.

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