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Payment for Watershed Servies in China:the Role of Government and Market
Author(s): Li Xiaoyun
Publisher: China Social Science Press
Published Date: 2007
ISBN: 9787802306042
Pages: 390
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $33.00
Avail: In-Stock


This book presents research results on roles of government and market in ecological compensation based on three policy reviews and five case studies. The three policy reviews deal with impact of agricultural policy on eco-compensation, globalization and international environmental treaty, and forestry ecological compensation. The five case studies are in the Jinhua watershed in Zhejiang province, the Supa watershed and Xiaozhaizi watershed in Yunnan province, Meijiang watershed in Jiangxi province, and Miluo watershed in Hunan province. It shows that government predominates the eco-compensation in China at present. Market will play a key role in the future, but it relies on market infrastructure and institution, which arc set up by the government: The major readers of this book arc eco-compensation researchers, policy-makers, and practitioners. It is also valuable to professionals of environment,ecology, economics, and public management

Main Contents

Chapter 1 Payment for Environmental Services in China. The Role of Government and Market
Chapter 2 Impacts of China's Agricultural Policies on Payment for Environmental Services
Chapter 3 A Review of Watershed Environmental Services from Forest in China
Chapter 4 The Impact of Globalization on Land Use and Management and Payments for Forest Environmental Services in China
Chapter 5 Paying for Watershed Services in Jinhua Watershed in Zhejiang Province, China
Chapter 6 Is a Market-based Mechanism for Paying for Watershed Services in China Possible?
Chapter 7 A Feasibility Study for the Supa Watershed
Chapter 8 Development Contract with Terms of Watershed Conservation. A Win-win Opportunity for Development and Environment in the Meijiang Watershed, Ningdu County, Jiangxi Province, China
Chapter 9 Scale Matters: Paying for Watershed Services in the Xiaozhaizi Watershed

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