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Natural Organic Matter and Its Significance in the Environment
Author(s): Wu Fengchang and Xing Baoshan
Publisher: Science Press
Published Date: 2009
ISBN: 978-7-03-023874-0
Pages: 325
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $92.40
Avail: In-Stock


The primary goal of this book is to bring together the latest research advancements for NOM and to stimulate and develop new directions of a variety of research areas. All authors in this book are experts in their subject areas, and were invited to contribute to the book.

The book consists of three subject areas. Part I is the characterization of NOM: its biogeochemical cycling of NOM in soil and natural waters, including analytical techniques, modeling, physical and chemical processes. Part II is the interaction between NOM and contaminants(trace metals and organic compounds): mechanisms and models. Part III is ecoenvironmental impacts on contaminants and public health, including its association with phosphorus , DNA-like material , and roles in mitigating greenhouse effect, and its sorption of antibiotics.

Main Contents


Part I Characterization of Natural organic Matter(NOM)

Chapter 1 Dissolved Organic Matter in the Aquatic Environment
Chapter 2 Detection of a DNA-like Material in Suwannee River Fulvic Acid
Chapter 3 Multi-dimensional Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Parafac for Dissolved Organic Matter Characterization
Chapter 4 Studying Organic Matter and Water in Soils by NMR: Cautions and Insights

Part II Interactions Between NOM and Contaminants

Chapter 5 Model Prediction of the Speciation, Toxicity and Bioavailability of Trace Metals in the Presence of Natural Organic Matter(NOM)
Chapter 6 An Investigation of Lead Distribution and Lead Complexed to Soil-Derived Humic Acids From a Shooting Range
Chapter 7 Effects of Condensed Organic Matter on Sorption of Organic Contaminants in Soils and Seiments
Chapter 8 Sorption Properties of Organic Matter on Sorption of Organic Contaminants is Soils and Sediments
Chapter 9 Sorption and Sequestration of Organic contaminants in Soils and Sediments
Chapter 10 Sorptive Behavior of Plant Cuticular Materials

Part III Environment Impacts of NOM

Chapter 11 Characterization of Phosphorus associated With Natural Organic Matter
Chapter 12 Sorption of Human and Veterinary Antibiotics to Soils
Chapter 13 Role of Soils and Soil Management for Mitigating Greenhouse Effects

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