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Moss Flora of China (Vol.7) Amblystegiaceae–Plagiotheciaceae
Author(s): Hu Renliang and Wang You-fang
Publisher: Science Press
Published Date: 2008
ISBN: 978-7-03-022908-3
Pages: 258
Language: English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $83.60
Avail: In-Stock

Main Contents

Moss Flora of China
Amblystegiaceae by Wu Yu-huan, Gao Chien, and Li Wei
Helodiaceae by SI He
Brachytheciaceae by Wang You-fang and Hu Ren-liang
Stereophyllaceae by Li Deng-ke
Plagiotheciaceae by Li Deng-ke and Robert R. Ireland
Literature Cited
Index to Latin Names
Index to Chinese Names

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