Fauna Sinica Invertebrata Arachnida Acari Phytoseiidae |
Author(s): Wu Weinan |
Publisher: Science Press Published Date: 2009 ISBN: 9787030213259 Pages: 511 Language: Chinese with English Summary Type: Book Cover: Hard Cover |
Our Price: $108.00
Avail: In-Stock |

This present work deals with phytoseiidea fauna in china. It cnmprises 3 parts ;General account,morphology and systematic account, the type specimens are deposited in the Guangdong institute of Entomology.
Main Contents
1. general account
(1) Economical significance
(2) Brief history of studies on phytoseiidae
(3) Geographical distribution
(4) Biology and ecology
(5) Collecting and rearing of phytoseiids
(6) Specimen preparation
2. Morphology
(1) External morphological characters
(2) Internal structures
3. Systematic account