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Fauna Sinica Insecta Vol. 49 Diptera Muscidae (I)
Author(s): Fan Zide et al
Publisher: Science Press
Published Date: 2008
ISBN: 978-7-03-020566-7
Pages: 1186
Language: Chinese with English Abstract
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $201.30
Avail: In-Stock


The Muscidae is a world-widely distributed, biologically diversified and greatly economically important family of calyptrate Diptera.

The book is divided into 3 volumes. Present volume I includes the general account for the family as a whole and the systematic account with 7 subfamiles. The part 1 of volume II only containing the genus Phaonia which numerous in China. The part 2 of volume II containing the genera of Phainiinae except genus Phaonia and volume III containing the subfamilies Mydaeinae and Coenosiinae.

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