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Phasmatodea of China
Author(s): Chen Shuchun and He Yunheng
Publisher: China Forestry Press
Published Date: 2008
ISBN: 978-7-5038-5088-2
Pages: 476
Language: Chinese with English Abstract
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $155.10
Avail: In-Stock


In the present monograph 336 species (including 76 new species) in total of the stick and leaf insects are described from China, which are grouped in 65 genera in 5 families. Besides the adult morphology descriptions of every species, the morphology descriptions of eggs are included as possible as known. The geographical distribution, and if available, the biology, foodplants and habits are provided in the text. The original description and if have had, the synonyms and the nominal transitions of each taxon have been cited. The colour photos of some adult are given in the colour plates. Keys to Chinese suborders, families and subfamilies, tribes, genera and species are given. Type specimens depositary are also indicated under each new species.

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