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The Millet Stem Fly
Author(s): Gan Yaojin Dong Zhiping et al.
Publisher: Science Press
Published Date: 2007
ISBN: 978-7-03-019263-9
Pages: 125
Language: Chinese and English
Type: Book
Cover: Hard Cover

Our Price: $55.00
Avail: In-Stock


The millet stem fly is the principle pest that does great harm to the millet. The authors carry out a thorough and systematic study in different ecotopes, which describes many aspects of the pest in detail, such as, its morphological features, its biological features, its ecological features, its artificial rearing techniques, different varieties resistance to it, its natural enemies, the forecasting of its hit and the control techniques. In this book, the authors introduce their approach, their process and the results. Meanwhile, the theory in the book is closely linked to the applied technology, which can be a good reference for the experts, the teachers and students in the universities. Since it is deliberately illustrated, it is also fit for farmers and experts in study and in practice.

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